Divorce Mediation in UAE


What is Divorce Mediation?

Divorce mediation in UAE is an increasing sought after tool given its advantages for the entire family.

Divorce mediation  is a process in which a neutral third party, known as a mediator, helps couples who are seeking a divorce to negotiate and reach agreements on issues such as property division, child custody, child support, and spousal support. The mediator facilitates communication between the parties, guiding them toward mutually acceptable solutions without going to court.

Mediation can be more cost-effective and less adversarial than traditional divorce litigation. It encourages cooperation and often results in a faster resolution. However, the mediator does not make decisions for the couple but helps them come to their own agreements. If successful, the mediated agreement can be submitted to the court for approval, making it legally binding.

This approach is often preferred by couples looking to maintain control over the divorce process while minimizing conflict.

How is a typical divorce mediation process?

The divorce mediation process typically follows several structured steps to help couples resolve their disputes and reach agreements. Here’s a breakdown of the usual process:

Step 1 – Initial Consultation

The mediator explains the mediation process, their role as a neutral party, and the rules that will govern the discussions.

The couple discusses their issues and goals, and the mediator assesses whether mediation is suitable for their situation.

If both parties agree to proceed, they may sign a mediation agreement outlining confidentiality and the voluntary nature of the process.

Step 2 – Information Gathering

The mediator asks the couple to provide financial documents, asset lists, and information regarding any children, if applicable. This includes income, property, debts, and other relevant matters.

Both parties outline their positions on key issues like child custody, alimony, and property division. The mediator may ask questions to clarify each side’s priorities and concerns.

Step 3 – Issue Identification and Agenda Setting

The mediator helps identify the main issues to be resolved, such as child custody, division of assets, support, and future co-parenting.

The mediator sets a clear plan for tackling each issue, often one at a time, to create a structured and manageable process.

Step 4 – Negotiation and Problem-Solving

The mediator guides discussions on each issue, encouraging open communication and helping both sides explore options for resolution.

The mediator may suggest alternative solutions and encourage the couple to negotiate until they reach mutually acceptable compromises.

Special attention is given to decisions that affect children (if applicable), ensuring their best interests are prioritized.

Each mediation session typically lasts a few hours, and depending on the complexity of the case, the process can take several sessions to reach a final agreement.

Step 5 – Drafting the Agreement

Once agreements are reached, the mediator drafts a detailed summary of the terms, including decisions on custody, property, and support.

Each party may review the draft with their own attorney to ensure it is fair and legally sound.

After review, the final mediation agreement is prepared for both parties to sign.

Step 6 – Court Approval in UAE based Divorce Mediations

If the mediation results in a settlement, the agreement is usually submitted to a family court judge for approval.

Once approved which usually is if no public order and children’s rights are protected, the agreement becomes a legally binding court order.

Benefits of Divorce Mediation:

Control Over the Outcome

Both spouses actively participate in crafting the terms of their divorce. Unlike court proceedings, where a judge imposes decisions, mediation allows couples to make choices that reflect their personal preferences and circumstances.

Couples can design agreements that meet their specific needs, whether that involves customized child custody arrangements or unique financial settlements.


Mediation is generally much less expensive than traditional divorce litigation because it avoids prolonged court hearings, formal discovery, and other expensive legal processes.

Lawyers may still be consulted individually but their involvement is often limited, reducing overall legal costs. Mediation can significantly reduce the number of billable hours compared to a court trial.

Since mediation can resolve issues in a matter of weeks or months (as opposed to years in some litigated cases), the overall cost is much lower.

Time Efficiency in Divorce Mediation in UAE

Mediation tends to resolve disputes faster than going through the court system, where scheduling conflicts, legal motions, and busy court calendars can cause significant delays.

Mediation sessions are scheduled at the convenience of both parties, making it easier to find times that work for everyone.


Unlike court cases, which are part of the public record, mediation is confidential. Discussions and agreements reached in mediation are kept private, protecting the couple’s personal and financial matters from public disclosure.

Since mediation takes place outside of the courtroom, the details of the divorce do not become part of a public trial, which can help protect both parties’ reputations and privacy.

Less Stress and Conflict in Divorce Mediation in UAE

Mediation fosters a more collaborative and amicable approach to resolving disputes. The mediator helps reduce tension and encourages cooperative problem-solving, which can help both parties communicate more effectively.

By avoiding the adversarial nature of court battles, mediation often results in less emotional strain. This is particularly important if the couple will need to maintain a relationship post-divorce (e.g., co-parenting).

Better for Children

Mediation emphasizes making decisions that are in the best interests of the children, helping to establish healthy co-parenting arrangements.

Children are less likely to experience the stress and trauma associated with drawn-out court battles. By resolving issues through mediation, parents can maintain a more peaceful environment during the divorce.

Mediation allows parents to create flexible and personalized custody arrangements that meet the unique needs of their children, which might not be possible through a court-ordered judgment.

Preserving Relationships

Since mediation encourages open dialogue and negotiation, it can help preserve a more amicable relationship between the divorcing spouses. This is especially valuable when they need to interact post-divorce (e.g., for co-parenting or shared business interests).

The mediation process often improves communication skills between the parties, which can be helpful in avoiding future conflicts.

Voluntary, Flexible and Predictable

Mediation is a voluntary process, meaning both parties enter willingly and can leave at any time. This sense of control makes it a more empowering experience compared to litigation, where the outcome is dictated by the court.

Mediation is not bound by strict legal precedents or formal rules of evidence. This flexibility allows for more creative solutions that may not be available in a court ruling.

The couple controls the pace of mediation, allowing them to move faster or slower depending on their comfort level and how quickly they can resolve each issue.

Greater Compliance with Agreements

Since both parties have worked together to create the agreement, they are more likely to follow through with its terms. There’s often a greater sense of ownership and commitment to the outcomes, reducing the likelihood of future disputes or enforcement issues.

Court-ordered settlements, one or both parties may feel that the judgment is unfair, leading to resentment and possible future legal conflicts. Mediation, by contrast, typically results in a more balanced resolution, reducing the chances of further legal battles.

Fewer Post-Divorce Disputes

Mediation often leads to clearer agreements, which helps avoid misinterpretation and ambiguity. By addressing all concerns upfront, mediation reduces the risk of post-divorce disputes over issues like custody or support.

Conclusion to Divorce Mediation in UAE

In summary, divorce mediation offers a more private, cost-effective, and less stressful alternative to traditional court proceedings, allowing couples to maintain control over the outcome and fostering better post-divorce relationships, especially when children are involved.


We hope this publication will help you understand the concept, process and advantages of divorce mediation in the UAE and remain available for any questions regarding this post of general application.

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*The information on this page is not intended to be legal advice. This article is intended to provide an initial introduction to the concept, process and advantages of divorce mediation in the UAE.